Sunday, February 19, 2012

Beef Pho


- 1kg beef bones 
- 400g meat encrusted 
- 2 big onions 
- 250g meat fillet (Filet) 
- 3 lemons 
- Chili, scallions 
- Vegetables cinnamon, coriander thorn 
- Salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate 

- 1,5 kg cake noodles 
- 300g sprouts - 1 ginger 
- 3 ear off in 
- a small piece of cinnamon 
- same grind 50g 
- 20g chilli puree

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Noodle with barbecue

For more attractive dishes that you use the meat is hot, fragrant. Diners feel palatable or not depends very much on the bowl of sauce.

Noodle with barbecue

How to make Pancakes


400g rice flour 
- 500g flour 
- 800ml of cold water 
- 3hot chicken 
- 30g sugar 
- 30g coconut dry cell 
- 1chut salt + MSG 
- or curry powder 1chut yellow perch with a little cooking oil to cool 
- bacon + shrimp + cost (depending on their food)  
